Éxito: molt bé, em sembla perfecta, quina bona idea.
Vacilón: guay, curiós (bé, ho fan servir per tot) --> me parece vacilón, ay que vacilón, eso es muy vacilón, etc.
Mae: tio / tia (no parentiu).
Rajar: impressionar--> el mae quería rajar, pero nada, no es ni listo.
Machillo: ros --> el mae machillo es de lo más lindo.
Enfabular: enganyar.
Tuna: un cactus (s'emprenyen perquè els gringos es pensen que és tonyina, hehe. Aquest cactus el barrejaven amb la cal per fer una mescla impermeable per les parets de la casa fetes amb la tècnica bahareque).
Botar: fer fora, enderrocar, ensorrar --> mi viejo me botó de casa, quieren botar la casa de al lado.
Frutilla: triquinosis (no hem feu dir com vam arribar a aquest tema).
Bomba: gasolinera.
Chancho: porc.
Flechas: tiraxines.
Troja: estable --> esa cama no esta troja.
Papalotel --> és d'orígen nawel (llengua mexicana). Vol dir papallona i el seu significat és "flor que vola". De fet chocolata té el mateix orígen (chocolatel). És més, les paraules acabades amb -ate en castellà tenen aquest orígen.
Zaguate (també orígen nawel): sarnós. De fet ho utilitzen referint-se a gos sarnós.
Queque: pastís (orígen gringo, cake).
Chance: oportunitat --> si tengo la chance vengo a tu casa.
Trancar: tancar.
Llantotas de la panza: els michelines, hehe. I si són les del darrera es diuen agarraduras (perquè "es donde los maes se agarran".
Chingo: despullat.
Jalar: Sostenir/ retenir.
Paqueteado: quan una cosa és una versió barata --> esos zapatos estan paqueteados. Chinchorro: bar del vells.
Comemierda: quan estàs deprimit --> hoy eres una comemierdas.
Chiquichiqui: música del Brasil.
Charanga: reggaeton.
A puro dolor: música romàntica --> vamos a un bar a puro dolor.
Despicharse: caure (apart de quedar-te sense...ja sabeu).
Ir despichado: anar ràpid, de cul.
No seas picha: no rallis (ja veieu que la paraula picha té múltiples i variats significats). Overol: un peto de vestir.
Por patas: per contactes --> consiguió el trabajo por patas.
Pre-kinder: la guarderia.
Pensionarse: jubilarse.
I la més bona "ser un dolor de huevos": quan algú no t'ha caigut bé --> ese mae era un dolor de huevos.
Segua: aquest és el nom d'una dona que diu la llegenda castigava als homes "mujeriegos". Normalment era una dona molt guapa, però a la nit, quan un home la "cortejaba" la cara se li transformaba en cara de cavall (foto).

Una altra cosa que m'ha fet gràcia és escoltar els Simpson, pel·lícules i fins i tot Bola de Drac! en accent sud-centroamericà. El Goku és genial.

Bé, espero que us hagi agradat. El pròxim dia un altre tema, i potser alguna paraula més ;). Chaito!...o PURA VIDA! frase utilitzada exclusivament a Costa Rica i que els caracteritza. Vindria a ser com ok, perfecte, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This week I moved to my new house. Actually I will miss Cindy since we understood each other pretty well and in few days I learnt a lot from her, something not always possible when you travel abroad. But she has been already invited to a dinner with potatoes' omelette and bread with tomatoe!. This house has more comodities, but it's in a more expensive area. You can see that with the high fences, alarms, the cars and the two guards cycling around the neighbourhood, which ironically make me feel more insecure, hehe. But they told me nowadays it's normal to have guards in all kind of neighbourhoods (except for the poorest ones, like the one I used to live in, Mercedes Norte). In the past years insecurity has increased a lot, mainly due to the higher and higher social differences between socioeconomic classes. And I can understand why when checking the prices of food, etc...but that's something for another day. Today I wanted to talk about the "tico" vocabulary. Living with Cindy I heard some words (she also talks a lot so...), here some of them, although in English is hard to see differences with "normal" Spanish-->
Éxito: ok, good idea.
Vacilón: lekker moeder! (this is mine, sorry), curious, I like it. They use it everywhere. Mae: guy/woman (street talking)
Rajar: to impress--> that mae wanted to rajar me (mix, sorry)
Machillo: blond --> that blond mae was hot.
Enfabular: trick.
Tuna: a cactus (they get angry cos gringos think it's tuna, hehe. This cactus they mixed it with lime to get an non permeable mix to use on walls made with the bahareque technique).
Botar: demolish,to kick someone out --> my father "botar" me of his house, they want to botar the house next to ours.
Frutilla: triquinosis (don't asked me how we got there).
Bomba: gas station.
Chancho: pig.
Flechas: slingshot.
Troja: stable--> that woman is not troja.
Papalotel --> it has a nawel origin (mexican lenguage). In means butterfly and the meaning is "flower that flies". The same goes for chocolate (chocolatel) and all the words that in Spanish end with -ate.
Zaguate (also nawel origin): mangy dog.
Queque: cake (gringo origin, of course).
Chance: chance, hehe.
Trancar: to close.
Llantotas de la panza: the michelines, hehe. And if they are behind they are called agarraduras (because guys always grap (agarrar) them).
Chingo: naked.
Jalar: retain.
Paqueteado: cheap version of something.
Chinchorro: old men pub.
Comemierda (literally it means someone who eats shit): when you are depressed. Chiquichiqui: music from Brasil.
Charanga: reggaeton.
A puro dolor (literally it means "really aching"): romantic music.
Despicharse: to follow (also means cutting your penis...which is the literal meaning).
Ir despichado: to go fast, be busy.
No seas picha: don't bother (so you see picha means a lot of things).
Por patas (literally mean "by legs"): when you have contacts --> she got the job "por patas". Pre-kinder: kindergarden.
Pensionarse: to retire. And the best one "ser un dolor de huevos" (to be a pain in someone's eggs (balls): when you didn't like someone.
Segua: this a legend of a woman who punished womanizers. Usually she was a beautiful lady but at night, after a man seduced her, her face became a horse face (check foto above).
Another funny thing is to listen to the Simpsons, movies and even Dragon Ball in south-centeramerican Spanish. Goku (dragon ball) was great! (see photo above).
Cindy told me she thought Spanish people had a "bad talking", you know...joder, etc. Well, she said I don't!! haha, me!! I said to her: that's becasue I'm frocing myself, but I say joder, and other things (you know what I mean) all the time ;).
Well, hope you liked it. Next day another topic, and maybe some more words ;).
Chaito!...or PURA VIDA! typically from Costa Rica and used all the time. It's something like Ok, perfect, etc.
3 comentaris:
Molt interessant, Mireia. De la meva època visquent a l'Equador, conec alguna d'aquestes paraules perquè també s'usaven allà amb el mateix sentit: chancho, jalar o botar, per exemple.
El pis està molt bé, oi? El tema de la seguretat ja és una altra cosa...
A seguir bé!
Hola Ferran,
si el pis aquest és més que suficient ara. COm a mínim ara tinc estris per cuinar. També internet i tal.
El més divertit és la direcció...aquí a Costa Rica no hi ha noms dels carrers. Si tu li dius al taxi on vols anar li dius: "cerca del hipermás, restaurante oporto, 50mts este, 100m sur", bona eh?
que xulo mireia! super interessant saber aquestes paraules...
intenta averiguar com en diuen dels nostres amics els "buhos i els lobos"
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