Trist, aquesta és la paraula. Trist que en un país desenvolupat això estigui passant. Trist perquè fent les coses ben fetes les coses haguessin anat diferent. Trist perquè deixem que el 25% dels nostres infants visquint en la pobresa. Vergonya, de fet. I això em porta al següent punt.
Fa un dies parlava amb el meu germà i el fet d'anar a altres països a fer camps de treball, projectes de cooperació, etc. I em va dir una cosa que cada cop veig més clara: "a mi no em cal anar a les kimbambes per arreglar aquest món, perquè primer cal arreglar casa nostra, que és on hi ha el problema real. Fins que no arreglem les coses al 1er món, al 3er poca cosa farem". En certa manera, té tota la raó. Perquè de fet qui mana al 3er món, encara que pesi, són les empreses i governs del 1er món! (especialment les companyies). Per tant hi ha alguna cosa en aquest sistema que no acaba de rutllar.
Amb això no vull dir que l'ajuda al 3er món s'hagi de deixar de banda, perquè cal! però si que vull fer la petita reflexió a tota aquella gent, incloent-me a mi, que a vegades volem arreglar el món començant per països a milers de kilòmetres, quan, si parem un moment, a casa nostre n'hi ha molts de problemes, i de ben grossos! (començant pel 4t món).

Some days ago I heard that in Spain, 1 out of 4 children are living in poverty (check news). Today I read again that Spain is one of the European countries with the highest rates of poverty, unemployment and temporary jobs (check news). And 60% of young people between 18 and 34 are still living with their parents (check news in English). I also heard that in some Financial newspapers such as "Financial times" they predicted that Spain hasn't arrived to the bottom of the economic crisis that it is now suffering and that it will take a long time. Sad, that's the word. Sad that in a developed country this is happening. Sad because if things had been done correctly it could have been avoided. Sad cos we let 25% of our children to leave in poverty. Embarrassment, actually. And that brings me to the second point.
Some days ago I was talking to my brother about going to developing countries to do some cooperation task or stuff like that. He said something to me that more and more I agree with it: "I don't need to go to the other side of the world to fix it, cos first it's necessary to fix things here, where the real problem is". And somehow he is right. Cos actually the ones ruling in developing countries are the companies and governments of the 1st world! (specially companies). So there is something in this sytem that it's not working.
With it I'm not saying we shouldn't help developing countries, cos it's necessary! but I want to do a small thought to all those people, including me, that sometimes we want to fix the world starting in one of those countries miles from here, when, if you think about it, at home we already have a lot of problems, and really big ones! (starting with the 4th world).
2 comentaris:
Jo sempre he estat de la opinió que la millor ajuda possible al tercer món seria deixar-los en pau. Sobretot als països del tercer món que tenen matèries primeres.
I think that the best cooperation possible with 3st countries will be to let them in peace, at least for the countries that have raw material (I'm not sure for the others).
En això estic 100% d'acord amb tu! i ja des de la colonització d'Àfrica!
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