Molt fones a tots!
Avui, mirant la pàgina de fotografia he descobert aquesta iniciativa de google pels dies 13/14 Octubre: es tracta de muntar un projecte per netejar l'entorn.
La idea s'engloba en el Programa de les Nacions Unides pel Mediambient i es diu "Cap de setmana Internacional de la neteja de l'entorn" que es celebra els dies indicats. Cada neteja registrada serà localitzada per un Google Map perquè altre gent pugui conèixer l'abast de la iniciativa i involucrar-s'hi. T'hi animes?
Si tinc temps i trobo algú altre per Costa Rica hi participo!

Hello everybody!!
Today, while checking this website of photography, , I've discovered this initiative from google that will take place the weekend 13/14 October: it's about creating a project to clean a piece of our planet.
The idea is part of the Program of the UN for the Environment and it's call "International weekend to clean the environment". Each cleaning project will be registered and will be possible to locate via a Google Map so other people can see your project and know more about the initiative, so then maybe the wanna join, do you?
If I have time and someone else to work with I'll do it in Costa Rica :D.
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