La "moraleja" és que la ment ens pot jugar malespassades, ja sigui en forma psicosomàtica o perdent el control de les nostres emocions. En aquest cas és una situació tonta, ridícula i amb poques conseqüències, però hi ha altres casos en què això pot portar a situacions extremes o a finals fins i tot tràgics, com aquell home als EUA que va matar a la seva filla amagada a l'armari (perquè li volia fer un ensurt), pensant que hi havia un lladre o assassí.
Per tant, controlem les emocions, no ens deixem dominar pel pànic o la paranoia i netegem els mocadors que trobem sobre la taula de la room abans de fer-los servir!!

Some weeks ago I came back to my room in the NL after spending one month in the Catalan Pyrenees. Along this month a roommate watered my fantastic and exuberant plants. The day I came back I found a scarf on my desk. I asked my roommate if it was hers, and she said no. She had found it in the kitchen and had asked everybody in the house. At the end they thought it was mine. So I thought "if no one claims it, I keep it!". So I kept it and the same week I used it, since I liked it a lot, maybe due to the fact that I got it for free. The point is that some days after that I heard about a woman who got lice while sleeping in a hammock in Brasil. Then I realized that I didn't clean the scarf before using it (stupid me, by the way!) and that maybe I got lice or who knows what on my head. Automatically, I started feeling itches on my head and like things moving among my hairs. It was a torture for days, since I have phobia to those animals!. The solution was quite easy, I needed to check if I had them or not, but I didn't feel like asking to anyone (I was kind of ashamed), so I checked myself and, indeed, I didn't have any lice. But, along the days the itchies kept on going on and the movements around my head didn't go away, I was getting crazy. Although I didn't see any louse on my head I still had the doubt (deep in my head) if I really had them or not, so there were my imaginary lice having fun. At the end I thought "it must be something psychosomatic" and the only way to solve it was listening to someone else saying: YOU DO NOT HAVE LICE!!. So I asked two rommates (not one, but two!) if they could check for me. And they comfirmed what I already knew and...voilà! after two-three days the itchies disappeared.
The point is that our mind can be really tricky with us, either with psychosomatic situations or loss of emotional control. In this case the sitatuation was stupid, ridiculous and with no consequences, but there are other cases where this can bring one person to extrem situations or tragic endings, such as the man in the USA who killed her daughter, who was hiding inside a closet (she wanted to scare him), thinking there was a thief or a killer.
Therefore, control your emotions, don't let the panic or paranoia control you and clean the scarves you find on your desk before using them!!
4 comentaris:
És difícil dominar les emocions, eh? Poc que costaria ser un pèl més racionals i pragmàtics, però (per sort) els humans també som emocionals en bona part.
En qualsevol cas, sí, tens raó, hagués estat bé netejar el mocador abans de fer-lo servir ;-))
molt bó, sí que és realment curiós tot això de la ment. I si et serveix de consol, amb el cap que tinc segur que jo tampoc hagués pensat a rentar el mocador. :-)
Només llegir-ho i sentir la paraula poll que començo a gratar el cap.
És curiós, jo també porto una setmana rascant-me, i tot perquè la meva neboda em va dir (per telèfon)que tenia polls. Flipa! la paraula poll em fa rascar al moment!
Ai teacher, teacher! que te'n keden de moments així ;)
Si et vols treure la sensació del cap ja saps què has de fer :D.
Asimetrich: merci pel teu consol!
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