Fa un any vaig triar el logo del Casal Català a Holanda per celebrar la Diada des de les terres baixes. Aquest any ho vull celebrar fent servir la del Casal Català de Costa Rica, un casal força actiu pel que sembla! Bona Diada a tots i totes. La lluita continua!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today is the Diada of Catalunya, when we celebrate that the Spanish defeat us some years ago, how funny...if you want more info click here. In this day a lot of activities in the street take place and a lot of catalan people show the catalan flag in their balconies. I actually prefer Saint Jordi's day, is less sad, defenetly.
Well, last year I used the logo from the Catalan House in the Netherlands but this year I'm gonna use the one from the Catalan Costa Rica House, a really active one as far as I've seen! Have a nice Diada :D!
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